Project goal

Over the years, I have interacted with several clients who needed a customizable e-commerce and inventory management platform. Most platforms available like WordPress were not giving the desired results. Looking at this opportunity, we decided to develop an e-commerce solution that addresses all the concerns of various clients that we work with.

PragmaCart Dashboard


Pragmacart is the most advanced e-commerce and Inventory Management platform, which has all the features needed to make the user’s experience really great. It has – 1. Pixel Perfect UI and Design 2. High-performance product search and great SEO 3. Extensive Analytics 4. Mobile Apps 5. Access control with various roles – customers, sales representatives, vendors etc. 6. Customizable admin panel – already customized the solution for a number of clients including a pharmacy chain, beauty products chain, food mall.

PragmaCart Dashboard

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PragmaCart Mobile App